Let's think about:

head, shoulders,

knees and toes!

The work environment affects employees from head to toe.

Effective occupational health and safety work involves looking at the big picture and considering factors that affect mental and physical health.

Employees of the future

Young people are the employees of the future. It is important to welcome new employees, find ways to make everyone feel good at work and to listen to each other. In this way, we build trust and healthy workplace culture that lays the foundation for the safety and well-being of employees, and has a positive effect on the success and reputation of companies. 

There can be a considerable difference in how the generations experience their work environment and what their expectations are for work. It is important that young people have a voice in the workplace, and that managers are open to new ideas and solutions.

It is therefore important to promote a workplace culture based on trust, diversity and inclusion, which in turn promotes positive communication. There is a lot to consider when welcoming new people, and strong occupational health and safety work is a key factor in ensuring that everyone gets home safe throughout their career.

What is occupational health and safety?

Occupational health and safety includes ensuring the safety and well-being of employees in their work environment. The goal is always that everyone gets home safe. 

The purpose of strong occupational health and safety work is to spot risk factors in the work environment and respond to them immediately. Thus, it is possible to prevent serious work accidents, mishaps and discomfort of employees.

The employer is responsible for the organization of occupational health and safety work and the formation of a healthy workplace culture. Successful occupational health and safety work is based on the cooperation of employers, managers and all staff. Therefore, it is necessary that everyone participates in daily occupational health and safety work, both those who are new to the job and those who have worked there longer. It is also important that employers have a clear vision of what kind of workplace they want to offer their employees and that employees are familiar with this vision.

Read more about the main aspects of occupational health and safety on the website of The Administration of Occupational Safety and Health

Good posture is essential

Good physical posture and regular exercise have a positive effect on health and well-being, today and in the future. Different jobs come with different challenges, so it's important to regularly pay attention to how we use our bodies at work.

The musculoskeletal system is the system of the body that allows us to stand and move. Musculoskeletal pain is quite common among people in the labor market and can be caused by many interacting factors, for example heavy lifting, sedentary work, working at high speed and uncomfortable posture. Repetitive movements that can be part of monotonous jobs also have an effect. Environmental factors, such as noise and lighting, can also have an effect. 

The manifestation of musculoskeletal pain varies, and myositis in the shoulders or symptoms from the back are examples of such. Sometimes there is no obvious explanation for pain but it is always real to those who experience it. 

Education about good posture and the use of task-easing equipment is an important part of prevention so that employees do not experience musculoskeletal symptoms. It is also important to reduce monotonous work as much as possible and make sure that the physical load at work is reasonable. Other helpful ways are to consider nutrition, regular exercise and good sleep and prevent stress. Mental well-being can also affect pain experience and posture.

Well-being at work

The safety and well-being of employees should be fundamental in every workplace. The organization of the workplace is the foundation, but management and communication are also important. It is important to build trust in workplaces and promote a healthy workplace culture. We can all make a difference and lay a solid foundation for our own work environment and that of others

Organization, management, communication and support are all factors that shape the work environment and affect the well-being of employees. Good and constructive communication can strengthen us in our work and contribute to effective collaboration. Dealing with issues constructively is an important part of some jobs, although it can be challenging. It is essential that everyone in the workplace can express their opinions and that they are treated with respect regardless of seniority. Read more about communication at velvirk.is and on the website of The Administration of Occupational Safety and Health. 

When it comes to discussing how we feel, we are all unique. We have different needs and basis for expressing ourselves. It is good to use tools like the stress ladder to create a common vocabulary and thus a basis for conversation. We encourage managers and employees to consider and discuss well-being at work. 

Bullying, harassment and violence should never be tolerated in the work environment. On the website of The Administration of Occupational Safety and Health you can find tools to prevent and respond to such behavior.